ASCII Characters and symbols

° - Degree symbol: Alt + 0176
± - Plus-minus symbol: Alt + 0177
² - Superscript 2 (squared): Alt + 0178
³ - Superscript 3 (cubed): Alt + 0179
÷ - Division symbol: Alt + 0247
× - Multiplication symbol: Alt + 0215

√ - Square root symbol: Alt + 251
∞ - Infinity symbol: Alt + 236
≈ - Approximately equal to: Alt + 247
π - Pi symbol: Alt + 227
≠ - Not equal to: Alt + 8800
≤ - Less than or equal to: Alt + 8804
≥ - Greater than or equal to: Alt + 8805
µ - Micro symbol (mu): Alt + 0181
Ω - Ohm symbol: Alt + 234 (Note: Use the numeric keypad)
Ø : Alt + 0216
² : Alt + 253
³ : Alt + 252